Search the Darkness

I hope all of you are coping as best you can with our new current reality.

I wanted to share with you a poem from the 13th century Sufi mystic, Rumi. I’m always amazed at how his message resonates with our modern times. For me, this poem expresses a sense that “all will be well…eventually – so don’t give up!” and also that it’s important to stay connected.

Search the Darkness

Sit with your friends; don’t go back to sleep
Don’t sink like a fish to the bottom of the sea.

Life’s water flows from darkness.
Search the darkness don’t run from it.

Night travelers are full of light,
and you are, too; don’t leave this companionship.

Be a wakeful candle in a golden dish,
don’t slip into the dirt like quick silver.

The moon appears for the night travelers,
be watchful when the moon is full.