Mind Over Madness

Here in Manhattan, for the past 20+ years, The Times Square Alliance has sponsored yoga in Times Square on the summer solstice. They call it “Mind over Madness” — the …

Can Yoga Eliminate Scoliosis?

The curve that you see in this x-ray is rather graceful, isn’t it? But it’s not desirable – it’s thoracolumbar scoliosis, with the spine curving to the left. This is …

Falling Lessons

This past September, I was sitting on a raised platform outside of a restaurant in Les Houches, a small village in the French Alps, having dinner, when, shifting my weight to …

Trauma, Epigenetics, and Yoga

    I’ve been learning about how trauma, and specifically PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), can affect DNA, even into future generations. Three and A Half Acres Yoga, through which …

Yoga for Osteoporosis, Part 5

Twisting There is much disagreement about whether twisting poses are beneficial for people with osteoporosis or osteopenia. However, the torqueing action created by twisting can strengthen muscles, which can help …

Yoga for Osteoporosis, Part 3

In my last two posts, I described best practices to avoid intervertebral disk compression and then offered a short practice that incorporates axial extension. Today, I’d like to present some …